Over the years various techniques of meditation – the ancient Indian science – have been developed, aiming to produce specific results. Chakra meditation as one of the many powerful meditational techniques is an excellent way to cultivate hidden potentials. Owing to the health benefits of Chakra meditation, more and more people are lining up to learn this powerful meditation technique.


Doing Chakra Meditation for a minimum of thirty-minutes minutes every day may lead to controlled and balanced emotions. With practice one starts to learn how the seven Chakras (although twelve are recognized now) play a life-supporting role in bringing about a harmony among the endocrine glands.


One of the benefits of Chakra meditation is to allow the individual to make use of the energy that flows through the human body. The same energy is used to communicate with the universe around us. Chakra meditation awakens the reserve of energy stored within us, right at the location of Chakras, which makes us more aware of our surroundings.


Good yoga instructors or meditation gurus should be able to teach you the proper way of doing the Chakra meditation; otherwise you may end up exhausting yourself.


Chakra meditation classes in Delhi can introduce you to the following Chakra Meditation Benefits:


Meditating on the Charkas helps the practitioner relax;

Rejuvenates the physical senses;

Bring about clarity of thought;

Rids of negative emotions that severely harm the human body;

Helps in concentration;

Releases stress;

Helps in coming out of emotional trauma of the past;


Raises creativity and restores interest in beneficial activities


Benefits of meditation on specific Chakras


Root or Muldhara – physical security

Sacral or Svadisthana – emotions, sexuality, creativity

Solar Plexus or Manipura – center of personal power

Heart or Anahata – feelings of nurturing and loving

Throat or Vishudha – communication, self-expression

Third Eye or Ajna – intuition, creativity, spirituality

Crown or Shasrara – oneness with the universe

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Benefits of Chakra Meditation
